Имплантация - это восстановление зубного ряда с использованием зубных имплантов, которые заменяют ...
MoreAnesthesia. Any intervention will be completely painless! Such assurance gives us the use of only hi...
MoreVisit our dental clinic and you will finally be able to check up and make sure that the modern dentistry can be pleasant and qualitative, and the treatment and the prosthetics can be painless and absolutely not burdensome. "Schick-dental" dentistry is your way to success!
We use the best modern materials produced by «3М», "Heraus Kjultser" (Germany) which are of high quality and good esthetic properties. We offer the newest stomatologic equipment which provides the highest level of treatment. Our dental clinic is staffed by doctors and dental technicians who were trained in Germany, and proved to be excellent professionals
Because of these factors and individual approach, "Schick-Dental" dentistry achieves great success in the treatment and prosthetics
Our dental clinic focuses on infectious safety. All work is carried out with the use of disposable materials only, according to "Anti-AIDS", "anti-hepatitis" programs.
Patient treatment is carried out by 2 doctors simultaneously with the usу of the intraoral koferdama, which allows for high quality work, both in treatment and prosthetics. In order to achieve optimal results, we use low-temperature prosthetic ceramic material for making bridges and crowns, as well as combinedremovable (clasp) prosthesis, that allows to reach high functional quality and best price.
Air-Flow - новый инновационный метод удаления бактериального налета с зубов, коронок и имплантов, эф...
MoreУдачное протезирование зубов поможет не только вновь обрести красивую улыбку, восстановить нормальны...
MoreПломба, вкладка, коронка, штифт, мостовидный протез, имплантат или всех пугающий съёмный протез&hell...