Direct teeth restoration Direct restoration is carried out in the oral cavity of the patient with th...
In dentistry “Shik-Dental” professional oral hygiene is carried out effectively, efficie...
A few years ago, the diagnosis of "periodontitis" sounded like a sentence. Periodontitis is a diseas...
Пародонтитом называется воспалительный процесс, протекающий в околозубных тканях, к которым относи...
If caries is not treated at the time, then microorganisms and their toxins from the carious cavity p...
Equally important in the treatment and prevention of oral diseases is prevention of caries. Our spec...
Anesthesia. Any intervention will be completely painless! Such assurance gives us the use of only hi...
Caries is a progressive demineralization of hard tooth tissues. It is expressed in the destruction o...
Ideally, the color of the teeth should match each other. There are several reasons for changing the ...